Acupuncture, a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been used for thousands of years, is a time tested therapy aimed at naturally promoting health and alleviating sickness by restoring energetic balance throughout the body.
According to traditional Chinese theory, when qi, or life energy, flows freely and harmoniously along its natural channels, optimum health is achieved. These energy channels, known as meridians, pass through and along the surface of the body, bringing vital nourishment to the organs and tissues. It is believed that when these channels become blocked, pain and sickness occur. It is the goal of an acupuncturist to remove these blockages through the stimulation of specific anatomical points, known as acupuncture points, which lie along the course of the meridians. In modern day acupuncture, this stimulation is achieved by superficially inserting sterile, super thin, disposable needles into the acupuncture points. This may be done with or without the addition of gentle manipulation, heat, or electricity to further stimulate the points, break up obstructions, and restore a healthy balance.
In contrast to the classical Chinese theory, modern science proposes that needling acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release biochemicals, such as endorphins, immune system cells, and neurotransmitters, in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. In addition to alleviating pain, these chemicals can promote health by influencing the internal regulating system of the body and affecting involuntary bodily functions such as blood flow, immune reactions, body temperature, and digestion.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified that acupuncture is effective for treating a wide range of conditions. Although this is by no means a complete list, some the more common conditions include:
- Back pain
- Knee pain
- Sciatica
- Arthritis
- Sciatica
- Tennis elbow
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Menopause
- Menstrual issues
- Stress
- Smoking addiction
- Alcohol dependence
- Hypertension
- Allergies
- Nausea
- Adverse reactions to chemotherapy and radiation
NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol or acudetox therapy involves insertion of five small needles specific sites on each ear. This auricular therapy stimulates the points to support the full-body acupuncture treatment and recovery process by making you stronger from inside and opens up possibilities on the body, mind, and emotions, treating the whole person. It has been shown to significantly decrease cravings for drugs and alcohol, withdrawal symptoms, relapse episodes, anxiety, insomnia, agitation, mental clarity, more energy, and better appetite. It also often helps you become relaxed and more comfortable with your own thoughts, enabling you to experience a sense of "letting go" tensions and apprehensions. This unique treatment is safe and accessible to men, women, and adolescents.